The Kindness Givers' Formula 2.0:
A 5-Step Guide to Reaching Hearts, Inspiring Change, and Healing the World Through Love
Are you concerned about the anger and violence that is paraded before our eyes 24X7X365 via the news and social media? Are you looking for an antidote - a better way to thrive personally and professionally?
The Kindness Givers’ Formula 2.0: A 5-Step Guide for Reaching Hearts, Inspiring Change, and Healing the World - Through Love provides an easy yet powerfully effective solution that anyone who is willing to can readily learn and implement.
In under two hours you can learn the five straightforward habit-building-steps for daily intentional kindness giving, get practical information for ingraining them in your life so you can unleash the power of love through kindness, and enjoy the inspiring stories of the formula in action.
The formula is straightforward, easy to learn, and easily adaptable. It can be used individually, or adapted for use to create positive, kindness-driven cultures in families, schools, business, neighborhoods, communities, states or provinces, and nations. Anyone willing to put in the effort to learn, live, and share the formula will notice an immediate impact in their own lives and the lives of those they serve through their kindness giving actions.
This gem of a book is a solution for our time that will resonate with your heart. It truly is a formula that, when properly applied, delivers love through kindness in a way that reaches hearts, inspires change, and heals the world!
Learn the formula! Live the Formula. Share the formula! Make a difference! Change the world!
1.5 hour read
Simple five-step formula
Practical guidance for implementing the formula
Inspiring stories of the formula in action
Kindness Journal
10 Minutes a Day - Memories for a Lifetime
A companion to "The Kindness Givers' Formula 2.0". A handy journal for recording daily experiences with kindness that can be referenced over and over again.If you're ever having a down day, just come back to your kindness journal and do some memory time travel back through positive experiences to give your self your own happiness injection and let spirits soar once more.
The layout is simple with writing guide of a few easy to implement suggestions:
Record the experience(s) first.
Then answer the following questions:
How did this experience make me feel?
What did I learn?
What actions am I motivated to take?
Then add any additional thoughts, feelings, or observations.
Easy, actionable, useful.
Not only will your writing bless you, but can serve as a source of inspiration and enjoyment for your posterity.
Get a copy today.
Happy journaling.

Straightforward layout
10 minutes a day
Memories for a lifetime
Easy, actionable, useful
Daily Dose of Positive - Volume 1:
90 Days of Timeless Nuggets to Enhance Your Life
Daily positive affirmations. Their like a shot in the arm of happiness.
This wonderful book is designed to give everyone who reads it that shot - a little "DOSE" of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, the happy chemicals our body releases every time we experience and feel something positive.
The specifically selected nuggets are laid out in workbook style with commentary from the author and engaging questions designed to help you digest the quote and think about how it applies to your lives. Space is provided for you to record your thoughts and to write down any actions you are inspired to take as a result of reading and pondering.

5-10 minutes a day.
Inspirational quotes.
Thought-provoking commentary.
Thought-provoking questions with space to give answers.
A daily step in your journey of continuous improvement
The Kindness Library - Volume 1:
Inspiring True Stories of the Transformative Power of Kindness
When it comes to kindness, its power to transform can come into play anywhere, whether it’s at a garage sale, in an airport, shoveling snow, or building a backyard deck. These heartwarming stories of lives changed through genuine kindness will be a delight to your soul.
Share the joy, happiness, and hope kindness brings with your family and friends.
And support Sleep in Heavenly Peace (shpbeds.org) in their national effort to provide beds for children to sleep in. A portion of the proceeds for every book sold will be donated.
45 minute read.
Inspirational, uplifting true stories.
A simple way to prime your day for love and happiness.